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  • Ivory Coast: The farm gate price of a kilogram of cashew nut set at 275 FCFA, a drop of 40% compared to the previous campaign 02/22/2024

    Feb 22nd, 2024

    The farm gate price of a kilogram of cashew nuts was set at 275 FCFA for the 2023-2024 campaign this Wednesday, February 21, 2024, a drop of 40% compared to the previous campaign The 2022-2023 campaign was 315 FCFA per kilogram . The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Production specifies that the mandatory floor price is 275 F CFA/kg to producers , for well-dried and well-sorted cashew nuts , containing no foreign matter, adding that the Obligatory floor price for domestic stores is 300 F CFA/kg, obligatory factory store price is 329 F CFA/kg and port store is 359 F CFA/kg. We learn that the production projections for raw cashew nuts , under the campaign which will open, stand at 1,250,000 tonnes compared to 1,225,935 tonnes in 2023, an expected increase of 5% compared to production marketed in 2023. The same would apply to the expected level of processing which should increase to 320,000 tonnes compared to 265,863 tonnes in 2023, a forecast increase of 20%.
